
Which Of These Are Words That Would Best Describe A Typical 3-year-olds' Drawings


Part 1 – QUESTION one Marks: ii

1 - Listen to this article nearly the phrase Human Rights. What is it about?

Select the right answer(s) with a Ö

  1. _ X _ Unlike meanings of the discussion right.
  2. _ 10 __ Examples of human being rights.
  3. _____ The history of man rights.


Part ii – QUESTIONS 2 -3-4 - 5 Marks: 18

2 – Fill in the missing information.

  1. Every bit a verb the word correct means to correct something which is incorrect
  2. As an adjective the discussion right indicates a position on the political calibration
  3. Human rights are freedoms or entitlements which belong to all of us.

three – Examples of human rights:

  1. The right to food and shelter, to didactics and to work
  2. The right non to be tortured.
  3. The correct to exist office of the authorities, for example through elections.

4 -Some other words you lot might hear are

a. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­protection , rule of law,

b. central, complimentary, exercise, bask, entitled and

c. equal .

5 – When do human being rights striking the news?

When people'due south rights have been denied, or when there is state of war

ENGLISH TEST 22 Februray 2010

Year 10 Class 5


Function 1 – QUESTION ane Marks: 2

i - Heed to this article almost the phrase Homo Rights. What exactly is it near?

Select the correct answer(s) with a Ö

  1. _ X _ Collocations with human rights.
  2. _____ Stories involving homo rights.
  3. _____ The rights that are protected by constabulary everywhere in the world.


PART 2 – QUESTIONS 2 -3- 4 - 5 Marks: eighteen

2 – Fill in the missing data.

  1. As a substantive the word correct means something that goes in a particular management
  2. Equally an adjective the word correct indicates a position on the political scale
  3. Ane of the legal meanings of the word right relates to ownership, as in 'copyright'.

3 – Examples of human rights:

  1. The correct for people accused of crimes to appear before a courtroom,
  2. The rights which tin can affect the ability of journalists to report the news include freedom of expression and
  3. the right to privacy.

4 - Some of the contempo issues which take been in the news include protecting:

  1. Children'due south rights , b. smoker'southward_ rights,
  1. Father's rights, d. creature rights .

5 – What might be a good news story near human rights?

The establishment of a Hour commission in a country which has a history of abuse communication/newsextra/2010/02/100211_nw_human_rights.shtml


PART ane – QUESTIONS 1 - 13 Marks: 40

Read this fable "The Shrike and the Chipmunks" written by James Thurber (1894-1962).

The Shrike and the Chipmunks

Once upon a time in that location were two chipmunks, a male and a female. The male chipmunk thought that arranging nuts in artistic patterns was more fun than simply piling them upward to see how many you could pile upwardly. The female was for piling upwardly as many as you could.

She told her married man that if he gave upward making designs with the basics at that place would be room in their large cave for a dandy many more and he would before long become the wealthiest chipmunk in the woods. Only he would non allow her interfere with his designs, so she flew into a rage and left him.

"The shrike volition get you lot," she said, "because y'all are helpless and cannot look after yourself."

To be certain, the female chipmunk had not been gone three nights earlier the male had to dress for a banquet and could non discover the right wearing apparel. So he couldn't go to the banquet, but that was just every bit well, considering all the chipmunks who did go were attacked and killed by a weasel.

The adjacent day the shrike began hanging around exterior the chipmunk's cave, waiting to catch him. The shrike couldn't get in because the doorway was blocked with dirty laundry and dishes. "He will come up out for a walk after breakfast and I will get him then," thought the shrike. But the chipmunk slept all solar day and did non go up and accept breakfast until after dark. Then he came out for a breath of air before start work on a new blueprint.

The shrike swooped down to snatch up the chipmunk, but could not see very well on account of the night, so he batted his head against a tree branch and was killed.

A few days afterward the female person chipmunk returned and saw the awful mess the business firm was in. She went to the bed and shook her husband.

"What would you do without me?" she demanded.

"Just go on living, I guess," he said.

"You wouldn't last five days," she told him.

She swept the house and did the dishes and sent out the laundry, and then she fabricated the chipmunk get upwardly and wash and dress.

"You can't be healthy if you lie in bed all solar day and never get any do," she told him.

So she took him for a walk in the vivid sunlight and they were both defenseless and killed by the shrike's brother.

Moral : Early to rise and early to bed makes a male person healthy and wealthy and dead.

shrike- kind of bird; chipmunk- modest animate being like a squirrel ; weasel- fierce minor brute

Find equivalents in the text for the folowing words/expressions (lines 1-17)

1. organize in a heap

2. got very angry

3. weak/useless

4. accept intendance of

5. flew down very quickly

6. grab/capture

7. because of

8. bumped

Complete the following sentences according to the text Use your own words.

9. The two chipmunks were very different. The male was disorganized but creative/artistic, the female was organized but slow.

10. If the chipmunck had gone to the banquet, he would have been killed.

eleven. The male chipmunk had a different lifestyle: he did what he pleased (slept during the day, didn't care near his food, but merely nearly his creative designs).

12. When the female person chipmunk returned dwelling house she immediately scolded him and tidied everything upwardly.

13. The moral of the story is humorous. The author is implying that there's more to life than following the rules all the time. There's a saying that goes "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".


PART ii – QUESTIONS 1 - 27 Marks: 40

You are going to read an article about 'volunteer holidays' an expression used to describe a combination of voluntary service and tourism or travel. Cull the most suitable heading from the listing A-I for each part (one-7) of the text. In that location is one extra heading which y'all do not need to apply.



What you should do before you embark on such an experience



Examples of skills that are needed to be a volunteer in these programmes



Prove of success and popularity of volunteer holidays


The creation of jobs in the communities



Information that tin can be found on the web most volunteering



Target group of volunteer holidays



What volunteer holidays should not exist seen as



An example of a company that provides good service in the field



Volunteer holidays are not exactly inexpensive

Community SERVICE

A bones internet search for "volunteer service" comes upwards with nearly nine million hits. With and then many options to choose from, how do you decide what will best arrange you, and more than importantly, what volition virtually benefit the community that is hosting yous?

The concept of exchanging a relaxing vacation in the sun for a "worthwhile" trip abroad has grown in popularity in recent years, so much so that 1 particular volunteering bureau was acquired by one of the UK'due south largest package tour operators in February 2007. Merely are nosotros giving the concept of volunteering enough thought, or but adopting it without considering the consequences?

In the true sense of the term, a 'volunteering vacation' is a paradox – a real volunteering feel can exist both physically and emotionally exhausting and should not exist undertaken every bit an opportunity to only see the world, proceeds some feel or make the "hobbies and interests" section of a C.V. more appealing to prospective employers.

Without pouring cold water on the volunteering experience, which can exist both life-changing and positive for all involved if chosen carefully, those who decide to go for information technology need to take fourth dimension to research the volunteering opportunities that are available, and think long and difficult about their motivation to evaluate what skills and feel they tin bring to their placement.

One organisation that works tirelessly to match volunteers with a suitable placement is People and Places, a tiny UK-based company that offers a careful service for responsible volunteering. Different other volunteer organisations, that oft use staff to oversee projects, People and Places works alongside local partners from the host community itself, making sure that volunteers are placed where they are needed most, without the risk of displacing local workers, and ensuring that development inside a customs is both practical and sustainable.

Placements typically final at least iv weeks, and volunteers are required to provide detailed information nearly themselves and their set of skills so that they tin can exist matched with a placement where their feel is most valuable. The projects are not aimed at young people and gap year travellers, rather they are looking for more mature professionals.

With projects effectually the earth, from Bali to Madagascar, volunteers with People and Places come up from varied professions with a great number of skills to offer the customs: traditional skills such as nursing, teaching or It qualifications, only even construction projects and Do-It-Yourself.

Finally it should be said that potential volunteers need to bear in mind that volunteering is not necessarily a cheap option – all costs of living take to be covered, and non at the expense of the customs. Volunteers are encouraged to stay at the most comfy houses bachelor and adaptation costs get directly dorsum to the customs itself.

Fill in the table with information from the text. Write notes.

Volunteer holidays



8. tin be life changing

positive for all involved



9. tiring/demanding

10. expensive

typical missions


11. four weeks

skills needed


12. nursing

14. eaching

xv. It



target public

16. more than mature professionals

People and Places

- advantages over other companies

16. Has local partners/ does non readapt local workers

fosters positive and sustainable development


PART ii – QUESTIONS fourteen - 27 Marks: 40

Read this commodity about young people and citizenship.

Into Politics but no Vote

You can marry before you can vote; you can drive a car, you can even join the army. In many countries the rules about precisely when you become an developed are nil if non disruptive. Then, it is no surprise that many young people think it's high time they did something well-nigh it.

In the U.S., for example, Alex Koroknay-Palicz of the Youth Rights Clan says he regards immature Americans as an oppressed minority. " Young people are seen equally "far more incompetent than they really are," he told us. "I think that if given a chance, young people are far more intelligent, far more responsible, and far more mature than we give them credit for." For thousands of years of human development, xv or 16-yr-olds have been considered as adults – merely we treat them legally pretty much the same every bit a five-year-old or a six-twelvemonth-one-time.

In most countries the legal age of majority is eighteen. That is when the law recognizes that y'all are an developed, when you are entitled to take control over your own body, your decisions and your actions. So, if you are not yet 18, merely you lot desire a gamble to modify things, what do you do? In some countries, immature people can be elected to go members of a youth parliament, where they can fence, lobby, and try to take an influence on the country'southward real, grown upwards parliament. They practice not yet have a real power, but they can learn what to practise with information technology in one case they have got information technology.

Kate Parish, founder of the British youth parliament, says: "When they are kickoff elected, a lot of them are unsure most what they are doing. A lot of them have never spoken in public before. And then we meet a real change. Where once they wouldn't have said boo to a goose, all of a sudden they're continuing up in front of an adult council coming together and proverb: 'This is non acceptable! You might have closed our skate park downward. What are you going to do virtually it?' It'southward a learning process for them."

So perhaps more under-18s should be immune to vote in national elections? In Iran, for example, you can vote at fifteen. In the Isle of Human, which is part of the United Kingdom and where they have their ain parliament and brand their own laws, they take just lowered the voting age to 16.

Psychologist Helen Haste at the Academy of Bathroom says under-18s are perfectly capable of making the sorts of decisions that could entitle them to vote. Many young people do seem much more than capable than adults are prepared to believe. Many are already playing an active function in influencing the decisions made in their customs. So what will the world be like when they finally take over? No 1 can be sure but I am looking forward to finding out.

Source : BBC NEWS, December, 2006 (abridged and adapted)

Complete the table with data from the text. Apply notes.

Things you can do before you can vote:

i. marry

2. drive a car

3. bring together the army

Co-ordinate to Mr Paliccz, teens are treated as v or six year-olds but they are:

4. intelligent

five. responsible

6. mature

Countries/regions where you are allowed to vote before 18:

7. Islamic republic of iran

viii. Isle of Human

Youth Parliament. An initiative that gives immature people the opportunity to:

9. Speak in public

ten. Make decisions

11. Make own laws

Reply the following questions. Write nearly 20 - 30 words.

12. Which skills can you improve when yous take part in the Youth Parliament?
Public speaking, decision making and collaboration are some of the skills we tin can improve. Nosotros can do something that is useful to the community, and build up conviction on the way.

xiii. What is your opinion? Should under-18s be allowed to vote?
Young people should be encouraged to participate and at that place is no reason why they should non be allowed to vote.

14. "So what volition the world exist like when young people finally have over" (line 27)? What do you recall?
The world might be improve considering if young people are given more than opportunities to participate and take part in of import decisions – in school, at customs level and even at parliament – more than attention would be given to the things that really matter.


Role 1 – Questions 1-ten ten questions/10 marks


For questions i-10, read the text below and make up one's mind which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Draw a circle around the right answer.

Choosing clothes

Are you lot one of the thousands of teenagers who eagerly follow every new (1)… that appears? Or are you lot one of those who become to the shops and just buys whatsoever they can find that suits them? Or perhaps you gild from a mail-catalogue, and then accept to ship everything back because nil (two)…. Whatever kind of shopper you lot are, one thing is certain: every teenager finds (3)… important. According to a contempo survey, young people spend more time either buying clothes, or thinking nearly ownership them, or looking at them in shop windows (four)… they practice on virtually other products. And the reason is obvious. Clothes are an important role of our appearance. At schoolhouse you may desire to impress a colleague and clothes certainly help. Well dressed people, then they say, become on in the world. Equally far every bit attracting the reverse sex is concerned, clothes (v)… a vital office. If a friend who has been (6)… the same old jacket or the same old dress suddenly appears in the (7)… fashion, you can be certain that romance is in the air. And apart from peer (8)…. and romance, at that place are the influences of sport, music and leisure on the manner we dress. And so excuse me while I (nine)… on my tracksuit and training shoes. I'm just (ten)… for some fast window-shopping.


A. advent

B. style

C. uniform

D. clothes


A. sizes

B. styles

C. fits

D. measures


A. out

B. apparel

C. dresses

D. vests


A. and so

B. than

C. as

D. has


A. play

B. played

C. took

D. volition take


A. dressing

B. worn

C. carrying

D. wearing


A. last

B. minute

C. latest

D. complete


A. pression

B. confidence

C. pressure

D. plays


A. put

B. wearing apparel

C. wear

D. have


A. wearing

B. rushed

C. dashed off

D. dashing off

Office 2 – Questions 11-20 xv questions/15 marks

For questions xi-20, read the letter of the alphabet beneath and think of the word which all-time fits each space. Utilize only i word in each space. Write your answers in the reply table.

Dear editor,

I am writing in response to an article you lot printed in your magazine terminal calendar week and which criticised young people like me. The article said that teenagers are rude and noisy and not interested in other people. I think that comment is very unfair and while information technology may utilise to some young people, information technology is certainly not true of me and my friends. For example, every Saturday morn we work in our local community by visiting elderly people in their own homes. Sometimes they want help with their shopping, other times they inquire u.s.a. to do some work in their garden. We give up two or iii hours of our time and nosotros don't go paid. I also know other friends at schoolhouse who assistance out in the local hospital one time a week simply talking to patients who may non have any visitors, and generally just making themselves useful in all sorts of ways. If we are noisy it'south usually because we are enjoying ourselves, and if nosotros e'er appear rude, I tin can assure y'all information technology'southward probably considering we're chatting and laughing together, because you're only young once!

Function three – Questions 21-30 10 questions/10 marks

For questions 21-30, complete the second judgement so that information technology has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Practise not change the word given. You lot must employ between 2 and 6 words including the word given.

21 We have to understand English language to surf the Net. depend

Nosotros _depend on (our agreement of)_____English to surf the Internet.

22 When you practise non understand a word utilize your dictionary. look

When you lot do not understand a give-and-take _expect information technology up in_ your dictionary.

23 He tin can't speak very good English. His accent is very British. despite

Despite his / Despite having a very British emphasis, he can't speak very good English.

24 Alex speaks fluent German in spite of never having been to Deutschland. although

Alex speaks fluent German although he has never been_to Deutschland.

25 How long have yous studied English? start

When_did you showtime __ studying English?

26 I idea my holidays in Commonwealth of australia would be more relaxing. as

My holidays in Australia were not as relaxing as I idea.

37 Marion got a skin infection every bit a result of a tattoo. got

If Marion hadn't had a tattoo done, she wouldn't have got an infection.

38 People stereotype teens with piercings. They think they are rude. if

People wouldn't think teens are rude if they didn't stereotype them.

29 'Shall we become to the cinema?' Tim asked. suggested

Tim suggested going to the cinema.

30 "Don't take it literally", the teacher said. accept

The teacher told the students not to take it literally.


PART 4 – Questions 31-twoscore ten questions/10 marks

For questions 31-xl, read the text below. Utilize the word given at the end of each line to form a discussion that fits in the space in the same line.

The recipe for good communication

Inquiry shows that more than a half of our conversations finish in some sort of ( 41 ). While it is easy to blame the ( 42 ) for the problem, we are besides to blame if we don't clarify what nosotros mean in the kickoff place.

Authentic listening requires ( 43 ) and effort, and if nosotros endeavor to practice something else at the aforementioned time, you won't listen ( 44 ).

There'south a ( 45 ) for people to think they know what a speaker is going to say, instead of hearing them out, or to criticise too ( 46 ) before a person has ( 47 ) made their point. It'due south when people feel they are being undervalued and are not beingness treated with ( 48 ) that problems begin and ( 49 ) can break down. Treating others as yous desire to exist treated is an (l ) dominion for good advice.








polite / relation


31. misunderstanding

32. listener

33. concentration


35. trend

36. readily

37. fully

38. politeness

39. relationships

40. essential


Office i Marks: 30

Kickoff a narrative: 'THEY HAD NOTHING TO SAY TO EACH OTHER' (10º 5ª)

Write nigh 150-200 words and don't forget to:

Remember to:

- Depict characters and setting

- Organize sequence of events

- Use both straight and indirect spoken communication

- Go far amusing only still true-to life


Part 2 Marks: 30

Y'all and your friend would like to work for a year on a volunteer programme. Your friend has written to yous and sent you lot the advertisement below. Read the letter and the advertisement, together with his/her notes. Write a letter to the Globe Back up Programme asking for the data which your friend suggests and adding any relevant questions of your own.

Write a alphabetic character of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate manner. Exercise non write whatsoever addresses.

This program sounds merely what we desire. I've added some comments but I'll be abroad next week, then perhaps you could write for more than data and ask about annihilation else you recall we need to know.

WORLD SUPPORT PROGRAMME average historic period?

  • For volunteers anile 15 – 70
  • o overseas to work with local communities Where? / Do what?
  • Use your skills to help others Which skills?
  • ree adaptation

Nutrient included?


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